Rock Bar

Venue opens Saturday, 10pm (GMT+8)
[ Tonberry | Mist | Ward 3 | Plot 5 ]
(Simplicity and Elegance is the venue unique core. The family strives to provide wide varieties of entertainment all under one roof for your RP experiences. The readily venue also welcomes any freelancer who wants to maximize their revenues. And are you looking for a large venue to host a party?)For pre-updates, please join/follow our discord/twitter respectively!
Event schedules will also be updated here later.

  • We are here to relax, please be friendly and courteous to each other.

  • Please also respect each other. Everyone is entitled to enjoy and have fun in the house equally.

  • Please to not use /yell and /shout, as both are reserved for the family members.

  • Please keep away weapon, minion, mount and pet, and refrain from running around indoor/outdoor premises of the house.

  • Please disable emote log message to avoid spamming.

  • Symbols such as 'Looking to Meld Materia' (Yellow) and 'Looking for Party' (Green) are reserved for the family members.

  • If you feel unsafe or are being harassed, please inform a family member.

  • We reserve the rights to refuse/cancel any services deem inappropriate or discomfort.

  • (The glory of the heaven was ever beyond the grasp of those who never thought to reach for it. But if we have gained anything from all of this, it is the courage to stretch out our friendly welcoming hands.)

Bar Buyout (300k/30min)

Are you out to impress the crowds, friends or partners? Having your name being callout in shout/yell at intervals? Pray gives everyone a treat at the bar then!
("Perhaps you do not hail from this land, your name, but your forefathers did. You do em honour to carry on the legacy for this callout!")
✅ To request for the buyout service, please approach the bar-person and make payment directly to s/he before the service commences.

Freelance Host/Hostess(18+)

✅ Upon availability only. (green symbol - Looking for Party)
✅ Basic services available are companionship and lap-dances. (companionship service is strictly for general RP chat only)
✅ Advance/Full services can be requested and duly upon consensus with the host/hostess.
✅ Such service and pricing will be negotiated with the host/hostess directly and privately. (/tell)
✅ All service payment will be made to the host/hostess directly. (Min. 50k/15mins and onwards)
Please be friendly, courteous and respectful during the progression. All engaged freelancer reserves the rights to refuse/cancel any services deem inappropriate or discomfort.("In your darkest hour, in the blackest night… think of me, and I will be with you! Always, for where else could I go? Who else could I love but you?")✅ For freelance job enquires, please refer to Jobs.

Freelance Game Dealer (18+)

✅ Upon availability only. (green symbol - Looking for Party)
✅ The type of games and rules are upon dealer's discretion.
✅ All payment will be made to the dealer(s) directly.
Please be respectful and honor the game in anyway. All engaged freelancer reserves the rights to refuse/cancel any services deem inappropriate or discomfort." right I was to spare your life. Hear me, hero. Endure. Survive. Live. For the rush of blood, for the time between the seconds--live. For the sole pleasure left to me in this empty, ephemeral world--live!"

Lounge and Room (1st come 1st serve)

As much as we want everyone to enjoy the fullest at minimum to no cost, these premises can be occupied via first-come-first-serve basis.VIP Lounge - equips with semi-divided sitting area and 3 individual bedded rooms. The premise is capable to host up to 20pax. To cater for bigger group, please have a minimum size of 8-10pax to utilize the lounge.
("Quiet, Nero. We adults are thinking. Just look around the scions in this room!")
Mafia KTV room (Lrg) - equips with pool table, TV and jacuzzi. The premise is capable to host up to 15pax. Please have a minimum size of 6-8pax.
("You that hold fast unto the convictions shall never count betrayal amongst your crimes, though all the world may call you villain!")
Lover KTV room (Med) - equips with L-shaped sofa, TV and jacuzzi. The room is capable to host up to 10pax. Please have a minimum size of 3-5pax.
("Enough of exposition. Now undress like men! And ladies! And ladies who dress like men!")
Lucky Game room - equips with game table, chairs and L-shaped sofa. The game table can host up to 4pax seated and players at sofa may join in the game upon dealer's discretion.
("You know nothing about me. I have fought tooth and nail for the people I hold dear, done everything in my power to save them... and I have failed. Learn to live with it. I have.")
✅ Please refer to Venue for photography.
✅ No obligation - you may tip any of us at your pleasure and generosity, despite lounge and rooms are free-of-charge to use.
✅ Venue Rental - seeking a spacious venue for your party/FC host? Do check with any of us!

Freelance Opportunity

Are you seeking a freelance job?
Are you seeking a job without commitment?
Are you sourcing to maximize revenue from a job?
Are you seeking for a flexible schedule/time job?
Well, if you are any of the above, the freelance alternative is just right for you.
Below are some of the benefits;
✅ Flexible working hours within operation by the venue.
✅ Host/Hostess and bar-person retain 100% payment and tips from clients.
✅ No commission payout to the venue is required.
✅ You are your own boss.
✅ A venue readily available for you, especially those having regular clients.
The available freelance jobs are host/hostess, bar-person and game dealer.
Interested candidates can /tell Dwaynne, Thunderous or Skylar.